Within a pocket of space known as a vortex, another dimension artificially created long ago by a great empire. Beyond this veil is a turbulent a sea of fire- a nebula of burning gaseous clouds and vapors, past this barrier there exist remnants of an ancient and shattered system consisting of a planet with two small moons that orbit a Red SunStar.
The planet Mongo- once a prosperous blue and green planet much like the Earth , until one of mongo’s twin SunStars went super nova, in an effort to preserve their world the ancient rulers of mongo created the "Imperial Vortex" but not before a great burst of cosmic radiation blasted the planet killing much of the life on the surface and shifting the planets axis causing great volcanic eruptions earthquakes whole continents to rise and fall and some areas of Mongo to fragment and splinter off resulting in a variety of climates and regions with lesser gravity where survival is harsh and mutated life forms thrive and feed on the weak. Within a pocket of space known as a vortex, another dimension artificially created long ago by a great empire. Beyond this veil is a turbulent a sea of fire- a nebula of burning gaseous clouds and vapors, past this barrier there exist remnants of an ancient and shattered system consisting of a planet with two small moons that orbit a Red SunStar.
Eventually those that survived deep within mongo walked the surface once again dividing into several kingdoms and territories that are technologically advanced or very barbaric. First of these is the forest kingdom of Arboria that exist on Arkaylia one of mongos two moons, and the frozen kingdom of Frigia is on Surd the other moon of Mongo that is always in the planets shadow, both moons were once a part of Mongo that broke away during the cataclysm caused by the erupting star.
On Mongo Beneath the Sea of Mystery is the underwater kingdom of Coralia, Bordering the sea is the Land of the Lion Men-East of the Lion Men's kingdom beyond the valley of desolation are the Magnetic Mountains known as the land of the dead in the Fire Lands exists the Kingdom of Volcania., North of this is the flying Sky City of the Hawk Men, There is also the jungle continent of Tropica, Mongo also has extensive underground domains. All these Kingdoms are ruled from

ICTAR Asteroid

Ming's Secret Base
Another of Mings slave camps are the Solarite mines in the land of the dead, This unstable mineral with great destructive power is found within theMagnetic Mountains a natural depository of many such elements and ores. Solarite is mined by the Mole-Men and will provide many weapons, but the evil Ming’s ultimate secret weapon against all that would oppose him is his- Solarite powered “Super destructo-Ray” mounted atop a Secret Stronghold base saddled within the bosom of the Magnetic Mountains-from that location Ming can threaten Earth and all the kingdoms of Mongo except Frigia
Another of Mings slave camps are the Solarite mines in the land of the dead, This unstable mineral with great destructive power is found within the
Ming's Base and Super Destructo-Ray

the Merciles
Emperor Ming- governs with an iron fist. Ming's authority appears to be based on his vast military power of –War Rockets-Robot Soldiers and a arsenal of lethal weapons and deadly poisons. Ming is believed to be immortal and once served as "high priest" to King Ghor-dhan -ruler of the ancient Mongovian Kingdom of SYK, Ming really only served his own ambitions and desires for power giving allegiance and tribute to the greater glory his dark and perverse deity - Dyzan
Emperor Ming- governs with an iron fist. Ming's authority appears to be based on his vast military power of –War Rockets-Robot Soldiers and a arsenal of lethal weapons and deadly poisons. Ming is believed to be immortal and once served as "high priest" to King Ghor-dhan -ruler of the ancient Mongovian Kingdom of SYK, Ming really only served his own ambitions and desires for power giving allegiance and tribute to the greater glory his dark and perverse deity - Dyzan
After the death of King Ghor-dhan, Ming attempted to seize power but was defeated by the Witch-Queen Azura with her mysterious powers-She alone had banished Ming and his followers to the Surface world. Ming taking with him stolen secrets, knowledge and technological devices and began his rule by creating an Army of Robots and War rocket spaceships.
To establish himself as ruler Ming sent his Poison Rockets piloted by robotmen to spray the deadly zerilium gas into the clouds seeding them, which caused a lethal acid rain to poison with a sickness-or to drop "Death Dust" over the Kingdoms of his enemies releasing the –“Purple death”- a plague of death that leaves a purple spot on the forehead of its victims ravaging all the life in the contaminated region rendering it uninhabitable-threatening this fate to all the lesser kingdoms of mongo into obedience-divided and warring against one another-united only in their fear. Ming rules all of Mongo except for SYK, he vowed that one day he would return and the Witch Queen too will pay tribute to him as Emperor of all Mongo.
Every thousand years, Ming will test each life system in the Universe with mysteries, the use of meteors, earthquakes, unpredicted eclipses, strange weather… If these are taken as natural, Ming will judge that system ignorant and harmless - and spare it. But if the Hand of Ming is recognized in these events, he will judge that system dangerous to Mongo-and destroy it utterly as tribute and to the glory of the great god Dyzan .
Ming would have ruled all the galaxy unchallenged-But he had to tempt a small blue planet in a peaceful system called Earth, and anger a young Heroric human born in the good old USA that had the ability to find the best in men thus bringing together factions uniting them against tyranny and for freedom -thus began the tyrant Mings downfall.
the Forest Kingdom

Prince Baron
Born of Nobel blood and rightful successor to Ghor-dhan, Baron is not very refined as a prince and somewhat dark and brooding-and has much contempt for Vultan of the Hawkmen-a rival in battle and for the love of emperors daughter Princess Aura –both also share the desire to depose Ming. Baron waits for the time that he will crown himself King of Mongo until that day he amuses himself by hunting captives and trespassers from the other Kingdoms especially hawkmen.
Ice Mountain City
Surd, once a part of Mongo now an Ice moon known as Frigia-hidden always in Mongo’s shadow away from the warmth of TAO the Red Sunstar. The atmosphere is a chilling blue hue over a beautiful landscape of white snow capped mountains and crystalline shards of ice-prism’s that sparkle and glow with an inviting warmth-the coldest most uninhabitable frozen void of stillness-a cruel wasteland of calm freezing death to all life not suited for survival there. Dwelling within the peaked mountains and caverns of the Frigean moon sits -Ice Mountain City -the inhabitants mine for Polarite-a mineral found only in the frigean Ice-Mines. Polarite has the ability to attract and neutralize the Death Dust toxins-one of many poisons used by Ming.

Queen Fria
Queen Fria and her race are able to survive in the Frozen wastelands born to the intense cold, all other intruders will perish without protective suits. She is a welcomed figure head by all the other kingdoms since her Kingdom alone has the antidote for Ming’s death dust. She is eloquent and appears delicate and warm-but can be colder than Surd to intruders -counseled by her general but she alone has the finale word. Fria and her people are one of the advanced cultures and do not seek to involve themselves in the petty battle’s that exist among the other kingdoms.
This Kingdom is atop a plateau of Rocky cliffs with caves surrounded by a wilderness of tall grasslands where wild things live freely. This kingdom and Lands are protected by a mutant race of Lion men-Intelligent and Fierce territorial protectors of this sanctuary. They are not of the more advanced races but are clever in their ingenuity and strategy, they defend themselves using the older discarded weapons such as missiles and big gun cannons and they attack in squadrons of flying Gyro Ships.

Prince Thun
Prince Thun-first son of the ailing King Zuun, The prince already seen as the leader of his people, Thun will not step up to the title of king until the father that he is most devoted is no more. The most valiant and trustworthy of all the princes, he is a brave leader and warrior and fair in his judgments. Prince Thun openly opposes Ming and his known allies such as King Kala of the Sharkmen and doe’s not trust Baron or Vultan to be any better than Ming as a ruler of Mongo
of the

King Vultan
King Vultan of the flying Hawkmen has ambitions of becoming ruler of Mongo over Baron, which he has little liking. Vultan hopes to position himself closer to the throne by wooing Ming's daughter Aura. Loud and brash with a great lust for pleasures battle and Sport-he enjoys pitting captives in life and death struggles in his arena. Vultan laughs in all occasion and scoffing at all but wears a crown of great burden for the plight of his Hawk people he must choose between attacking Mings blockade openly or perhaps waring against the Lion-men for their Cavorite.
The Undersea Kingdom of the Sharkmen

King Kala
Kala is ruler by succession of combat, but is no more than a greedy thug that serves Ming, more of a brute and not much of a thinker with a lot of desires for power and jumps at whatever scraps Ming gives him. Kala is Diabolical in his viciousness and cruelty to those unfortunates that are captured and have no bargaining value or ransom. Kala believing himself undefeatable makes great sport of captives in a grand show for all to see his boldness and strength. Kala obeys Mongo due to the constant threat by Ming that he will deactivate the protective barrier if the Sharkmen do not serve his will. VOLCANIA

The Ancient Underworld

Witch-Queen Azura
Azura-beautiful powerful and immortal thought to be a powerful witch feared by all on Mongo that believe in the legends of her existence that tale of a time when Ming is said to have attempted to conquer the Syk underworld realm "long and long ago" with an army of one million, who had completely vanished never to be heard from again. Azura with little in common and having no interest in the affairs of the barbaric primitives that war among one another in the surface world above, finds herself consumed with watching over and intervening unseen and with favor of the earth man Flash Gordon in his dangerous exploits. Azura is convinced that Flash is her long lost love Ghor-dhan returned to her. Azura at times will venture beyond the fire-barrier of the vortex to the outer worlds-only she knows where the White Sapphire rune is hidden-many lifetimes ago her beloved Ghor-dhan went to the red planet mars to hide the stone from all-fore the white sapphire counters the effects of the black stone shard-he had never returned back to her-so she travels to check on the stone always hoping to find her king.
Pirates & Slave Traders
There are many other Mutant Races that survive not by might rather by attacking and boarding vulnerable ships looting them and even ransoming the crew or selling them into slavery which ever is most profitable also they have been known to hirer out as mercenaries.

the Phantom WITCH SHIPS of SYK-Little is known or remembered about the mysterious underworld city and it's Witch-Queen, only that there are rare sightings of these ships-they appear from nowhere sometimes one ship sometimes many-like apparitions warning of things to come-danger or events about to happen-most of the other races turn away from the vision of these harbingers. the Witch Ships appear to have the ability to travel at the speed of light and the only rumored weaponry are Sonic in nature-like loud screams that kill. they measue 39mm L x 10mm W

All Kits are home made and Require Some Assembly-Cleaning-Modeling-Painting!!!

$30.00 + $5.00 S&H-OR you can get for *FREE* if you had purchased all other 9 Terrain peices-you just pay S&H-this is a LIMITED offer-expires 11-01-2010.
this kit includes everything in photo-Underworld City w/4 Witch Ships
Syk City measures 5" inchs W x 4 1/2" T - Ten peices that are cast in resin and requires assembly/painting.